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Scheduled monthly dependency update for September #59

wants to merge 24 commits into from


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@pyup-bot pyup-bot commented Sep 1, 2023

Update pandas from 1.5.1 to 2.1.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update scipy from 1.9.3 to 1.11.2.



compared to `1.11.0`. In particular, a licensing issue
discovered after the release of `1.11.0` has been addressed.


* Name (commits)
* h-vetinari (1)
* Robert Kern (1)
* Ilhan Polat (4)
* Tyler Reddy (8)

A total of 4 people contributed to this release.
People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully complete.


many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better
documentation. There have been a number of deprecations and API changes
in this release, which are documented below. All users are encouraged to
upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and
optimizations. Before upgrading, we recommend that users check that
their own code does not use deprecated SciPy functionality (to do so,
run your code with ``python -Wd`` and check for ``DeprecationWarning`` s).
Our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the
`1.11.x` branch, and on adding new features on the main branch.

This release requires Python `3.9+` and NumPy `1.21.6` or greater.

For running on PyPy, PyPy3 `6.0+` is required.

Highlights of this release

- Several `scipy.sparse` array API improvements, including a new public base
class distinct from the older matrix class, proper 64-bit index support,
and numerous deprecations paving the way to a modern sparse array experience.
- Added three new statistical distributions, and wide-ranging performance and
precision improvements to several other statistical distributions.
- A new function was added for quasi-Monte Carlo integration, and linear
algebra functions ``det`` and ``lu`` now accept nD-arrays.
- An ``axes`` argument was added broadly to ``ndimage`` functions, facilitating
analysis of stacked image data.

New features

`scipy.integrate` improvements
- Added `scipy.integrate.qmc_quad` for quasi-Monte Carlo integration.
- For an even number of points, `scipy.integrate.simpson` now calculates
a parabolic segment over the last three points which gives improved
accuracy over the previous implementation.

`scipy.cluster` improvements
- ``disjoint_set`` has a new method ``subset_size`` for providing the size
of a particular subset.

`scipy.constants` improvements
- The ``quetta``, ``ronna``, ``ronto``, and ``quecto`` SI prefixes were added.

`scipy.linalg` improvements
- `scipy.linalg.det` is improved and now accepts nD-arrays.
- `` is improved and now accepts nD-arrays. With the new
``p_indices`` switch the output permutation argument can be 1D ``(n,)``
permutation index instead of the full ``(n, n)`` array.

`scipy.ndimage` improvements
- ``axes`` argument was added to ``rank_filter``, ``percentile_filter``,
``median_filter``, ``uniform_filter``, ``minimum_filter``,
``maximum_filter``, and ``gaussian_filter``, which can be useful for
processing stacks of image data.

`scipy.optimize` improvements
- `scipy.optimize.linprog` now passes unrecognized options directly to HiGHS.
- `scipy.optimize.root_scalar` now uses Newton's method to be used without
providing ``fprime`` and the ``secant`` method to be used without a second
- `scipy.optimize.lsq_linear` now accepts ``bounds`` arguments of type
- `scipy.optimize.minimize` ``method='cobyla'`` now supports simple bound
- Users can opt into a new callback interface for most methods of
`scipy.optimize.minimize`: If the provided callback callable accepts
a single keyword argument, ``intermediate_result``, `scipy.optimize.minimize`
now passes both the current solution and the optimal value of the objective
function to the callback as an instance of `scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult`.
It also allows the user to terminate optimization by raising a
``StopIteration`` exception from the callback function.
`scipy.optimize.minimize` will return normally, and the latest solution
information is provided in the result object.
- `scipy.optimize.curve_fit` now supports an optional ``nan_policy`` argument.
- `scipy.optimize.shgo` now has parallelization with the ``workers`` argument,
symmetry arguments that can improve performance, class-based design to
improve usability, and generally improved performance.

`scipy.signal` improvements
- ``istft`` has an improved warning message when the NOLA condition fails.

`scipy.sparse` improvements
- `scipy.sparse` array (not matrix) classes now return a sparse array instead
of a dense array when divided by a dense array.
- A new public base class `scipy.sparse.sparray` was introduced, allowing
`isinstance(x, scipy.sparse.sparray)` to select the new sparse array classes,
while `isinstance(x, scipy.sparse.spmatrix)` selects only the old sparse
matrix types.
- The behavior of `scipy.sparse.isspmatrix()` was updated to return True for
only the sparse matrix types. If you want to check for either sparse arrays
or sparse matrices, use `scipy.sparse.issparse()` instead. (Previously,
these had identical behavior.)
- Sparse arrays constructed with 64-bit indices will no longer automatically
downcast to 32-bit.
- A new `scipy.sparse.diags_array` function was added, which behaves like the
existing `scipy.sparse.diags` function except that it returns a sparse
array instead of a sparse matrix.
- ``argmin`` and ``argmax`` methods now return the correct result when no
implicit zeros are present.

`scipy.sparse.linalg` improvements
- dividing ``LinearOperator`` by a number now returns a
- ``LinearOperator`` now supports right multiplication by arrays
- ``lobpcg`` should be more efficient following removal of an extraneous
QR decomposition.

`scipy.spatial` improvements
- Usage of new C++ backend for additional distance metrics, the majority of
which will see substantial performance improvements, though a few minor
regressions are known. These are focused on distances between boolean

`scipy.special` improvements
- The factorial functions ``factorial``, ``factorial2`` and ``factorialk``
were made consistent in their behavior (in terms of dimensionality,
errors etc.). Additionally, ``factorial2`` can now handle arrays with
``exact=True``, and ``factorialk`` can handle arrays.

`scipy.stats` improvements

New Features
- `scipy.stats.sobol_indices`, a method to compute Sobol' sensitivity indices.
- `scipy.stats.dunnett`, which performs Dunnett's test of the means of multiple
experimental groups against the mean of a control group.
- `scipy.stats.ecdf` for computing the empirical CDF and complementary
CDF (survival function / SF) from uncensored or right-censored data. This
function is also useful for survival analysis / Kaplain-Meier estimation.
- `scipy.stats.logrank` to compare survival functions underlying samples.
- `scipy.stats.false_discovery_control` for adjusting p-values to control the
false discovery rate of multiple hypothesis tests using the
Benjamini-Hochberg or Benjamini-Yekutieli procedures.
- `scipy.stats.CensoredData` to represent censored data. It can be used as
input to the ``fit`` method of univariate distributions and to the new
``ecdf`` function.
- Filliben's goodness of fit test as ``method='Filliben'`` of
- `scipy.stats.ttest_ind` has a new method, ``confidence_interval`` for
computing confidence intervals.
- `scipy.stats.MonteCarloMethod`, `scipy.stats.PermutationMethod`, and
`scipy.stats.BootstrapMethod` are new classes to configure resampling and/or
Monte Carlo versions of hypothesis tests. They can currently be used with

Statistical Distributions
- Added the von-Mises Fisher distribution as `scipy.stats.vonmises_fisher`.
This distribution is the most common analogue of the normal distribution
on the unit sphere.
- Added the relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution as
It is used in high energy physics to model resonances.
- Added the Dirichlet multinomial distribution as
- Improved the speed and precision of several univariate statistical

- `scipy.stats.anglit` ``sf``
- `scipy.stats.beta` ``entropy``
- `scipy.stats.betaprime` ``cdf``, ``sf``, ``ppf``
- `scipy.stats.chi` ``entropy``
- `scipy.stats.chi2` ``entropy``
- `scipy.stats.dgamma` ``entropy``, ``cdf``, ``sf``, ``ppf``, and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.dweibull` ``entropy``, ``sf``, and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.exponweib` ``sf`` and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.f` ``entropy``
- `scipy.stats.foldcauchy` ``sf``
- `scipy.stats.foldnorm` ``cdf`` and ``sf``
- `scipy.stats.gamma` ``entropy``
- `scipy.stats.genexpon` ``ppf``, ``isf``, ``rvs``
- `scipy.stats.gengamma` ``entropy``
- `scipy.stats.geom` ``entropy``
- `scipy.stats.genlogistic` ``entropy``, ``logcdf``, ``sf``, ``ppf``,
 and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.genhyperbolic` ``cdf`` and ``sf``
- `scipy.stats.gibrat` ``sf`` and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.gompertz` ``entropy``, ``sf``. and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.halflogistic` ``sf``, and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.halfcauchy` ``sf`` and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.halfnorm` ``cdf``, ``sf``, and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.invgamma` ``entropy``
- `scipy.stats.invgauss` ``entropy``
- `scipy.stats.johnsonsb` ``pdf``, ``cdf``, ``sf``, ``ppf``, and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.johnsonsu` ``pdf``, ``sf``, ``isf``, and ``stats``
- `scipy.stats.lognorm` ``fit``
- `scipy.stats.loguniform` ``entropy``, ``logpdf``, ``pdf``, ``cdf``, ``ppf``,
 and ``stats``
- `scipy.stats.maxwell` ``sf`` and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.nakagami` ``entropy``
- `scipy.stats.powerlaw` ``sf``
- `scipy.stats.powerlognorm` ``logpdf``, ``logsf``, ``sf``, and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.powernorm` ``sf`` and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.t` ``entropy``, ``logpdf``, and ``pdf``
- `scipy.stats.truncexpon` ``sf``, and ``isf``
- `scipy.stats.truncnorm` ``entropy``
- `scipy.stats.truncpareto` ``fit``
- `scipy.stats.vonmises` ``fit``

- `scipy.stats.multivariate_t` now has ``cdf`` and ``entropy`` methods.
- `scipy.stats.multivariate_normal`, `scipy.stats.matrix_normal`, and
`scipy.stats.invwishart` now have an ``entropy`` method.

Other Improvements
- `scipy.stats.monte_carlo_test` now supports multi-sample statistics.
- `scipy.stats.bootstrap` can now produce one-sided confidence intervals.
- `scipy.stats.rankdata` performance was improved for ``method=ordinal`` and
- `scipy.stats.moment` now supports non-central moment calculation.
- `scipy.stats.anderson` now supports the ``weibull_min`` distribution.
- `scipy.stats.sem` and `scipy.stats.iqr` now support ``axis``, ``nan_policy``,
and masked array input.

Deprecated features

- Multi-Ellipsis sparse matrix indexing has been deprecated and will
be removed in SciPy 1.13.
- Several methods were deprecated for sparse arrays: ``asfptype``, ``getrow``,
``getcol``, ``get_shape``, ``getmaxprint``, ``set_shape``,
``getnnz``, and ``getformat``. Additionally, the ``.A`` and ``.H``
attributes were deprecated. Sparse matrix types are not affected.
- The `scipy.linalg` functions ``tri``, ``triu`` & ``tril`` are deprecated and
will be removed in SciPy 1.13. Users are recommended to use the NumPy
versions of these functions with identical names.
- The `scipy.signal` functions ``bspline``, ``quadratic`` & ``cubic`` are
deprecated and will be removed in SciPy 1.13. Users are recommended to use
`scipy.interpolate.BSpline` instead.
- The ``even`` keyword of `scipy.integrate.simpson` is deprecated and will be
removed in SciPy 1.13.0. Users should leave this as the default as this
gives improved accuracy compared to the other methods.
- Using ``exact=True`` when passing integers in a float array to ``factorial``
is deprecated and will be removed in SciPy 1.13.0.
- float128 and object dtypes are deprecated for `scipy.signal.medfilt` and
- The functions ``scipy.signal.{lsim2, impulse2, step2}`` had long been
deprecated in documentation only. They now raise a DeprecationWarning and
will be removed in SciPy 1.13.0.
- Importing window functions directly from `scipy.window` has been soft
deprecated since SciPy 1.1.0. They now raise a ``DeprecationWarning`` and
will be removed in SciPy 1.13.0. Users should instead import them from
`scipy.signal.window` or use the convenience function

Backwards incompatible changes
- The default for the ``legacy`` keyword of `scipy.special.comb` has changed
from ``True`` to ``False``, as announced since its introduction.

Expired Deprecations
There is an ongoing effort to follow through on long-standing deprecations.
The following previously deprecated features are affected:

- The ``n`` keyword has been removed from `scipy.stats.moment`.
- The ``alpha`` keyword has been removed from `scipy.stats.interval`.
- The misspelt ``gilbrat`` distribution has been removed (use
- The deprecated spelling of the ``kulsinski`` distance metric has been
removed (use `scipy.spatial.distance.kulczynski1`).
- The ``vertices`` keyword of `scipy.spatial.Delauney.qhull` has been removed
(use simplices).
- The ``residual`` property of `scipy.sparse.csgraph.maximum_flow` has been
removed (use ``flow``).
- The ``extradoc`` keyword of `scipy.stats.rv_continuous`,
`scipy.stats.rv_discrete` and `scipy.stats.rv_sample` has been removed.
- The ``sym_pos`` keyword of `scipy.linalg.solve` has been removed.
- The `scipy.optimize.minimize` function now raises an error for ``x0`` with
``x0.ndim > 1``.
- In `scipy.stats.mode`, the default value of ``keepdims`` is now ``False``,
and support for non-numeric input has been removed.
- The function `scipy.signal.lsim` does not support non-uniform time steps

Other changes
- Rewrote the source build docs and restructured the contributor guide.
- Improved support for cross-compiling with meson build system.
- MyST-NB notebook infrastructure has been added to our documentation.


* h-vetinari (69)
* Oriol Abril-Pla (1) +
* Anton Akhmerov (13)
* Andrey Akinshin (1) +
* alice (1) +
* Oren Amsalem (1)
* Ross Barnowski (11)
* Christoph Baumgarten (2)
* Dawson Beatty (1) +
* Doron Behar (1) +
* Peter Bell (1)
* John Belmonte (1) +
* boeleman (1) +
* Jack Borchanian (1) +
* Matt Borland (3) +
* Jake Bowhay (40)
* Sienna Brent (1) +
* Matthew Brett (1)
* Evgeni Burovski (38)
* Matthias Bussonnier (2)
* Maria Cann (1) +
* Alfredo Carella (1) +
* CJ Carey (18)
* Hood Chatham (2)
* Anirudh Dagar (3)
* Alberto Defendi (1) +
* Pol del Aguila (1) +
* Hans Dembinski (1)
* Dennis (1) +
* Vinayak Dev (1) +
* Thomas Duvernay (1)
* DWesl (4)
* Stefan Endres (66)
* Evandro (1) +
* Tom Eversdijk (2) +
* Isuru Fernando (1)
* Franz Forstmayr (4)
* Joseph Fox-Rabinovitz (1)
* Stefano Frazzetto (1) +
* Neil Girdhar (1)
* Caden Gobat (1) +
* Ralf Gommers (146)
* GonVas (1) +
* Marco Gorelli (1)
* Brett Graham (2) +
* Matt Haberland (385)
* harshvardhan2707 (1) +
* Alex Herbert (1) +
* Guillaume Horel (1)
* Geert-Jan Huizing (1) +
* Jakob Jakobson (2)
* Julien Jerphanion (5)
* jyuv (2)
* Rajarshi Karmakar (1) +
* Ganesh Kathiresan (3) +
* Robert Kern (4)
* Andrew Knyazev (3)
* Sergey Koposov (1)
* Rishi Kulkarni (2) +
* Eric Larson (1)
* Zoufiné Lauer-Bare (2) +
* Antony Lee (3)
* Gregory R. Lee (8)
* Guillaume Lemaitre (1) +
* lilinjie (2) +
* Yannis Linardos (1) +
* Christian Lorentzen (5)
* Loïc Estève (1)
* Charlie Marsh (2) +
* Boris Martin (1) +
* Nicholas McKibben (10)
* Melissa Weber Mendonça (57)
* Michał Górny (1) +
* Jarrod Millman (2)
* Stefanie Molin (2) +
* Mark W. Mueller (1) +
* mustafacevik (1) +
* Takumasa N (1) +
* nboudrie (1)
* Andrew Nelson (111)
* Nico Schlömer (4)
* Lysandros Nikolaou (2) +
* Kyle Oman (1)
* OmarManzoor (2) +
* Simon Ott (1) +
* Geoffrey Oxberry (1) +
* Geoffrey M. Oxberry (2) +
* Sravya papaganti (1) +
* Tirth Patel (2)
* Ilhan Polat (32)
* Quentin Barthélemy (1)
* Matteo Raso (12) +
* Tyler Reddy (97)
* Lucas Roberts (1)
* Pamphile Roy (224)
* Jordan Rupprecht (1) +
* Atsushi Sakai (11)
* Omar Salman (7) +
* Leo Sandler (1) +
* Ujjwal Sarswat (3) +
* Saumya (1) +
* Daniel Schmitz (79)
* Henry Schreiner (2) +
* Dan Schult (3) +
* Eli Schwartz (6)
* Tomer Sery (2) +
* Scott Shambaugh (4) +
* Gagandeep Singh (1)
* Ethan Steinberg (6) +
* stepeos (2) +
* Albert Steppi (3)
* Strahinja Lukić (1)
* Kai Striega (4)
* suen-bit (1) +
* Tartopohm (2)
* Logan Thomas (2) +
* Jacopo Tissino (1) +
* Matus Valo (10) +
* Jacob Vanderplas (2)
* Christian Veenhuis (1) +
* Isaac Virshup (1)
* Stefan van der Walt (14)
* Warren Weckesser (63)
* windows-server-2003 (1)
* Levi John Wolf (3)
* Nobel Wong (1) +
* Benjamin Yeh (1) +
* Rory Yorke (1)
* Younes (2) +
* Zaikun ZHANG (1) +
* Alex Zverianskii (1) +

A total of 131 people contributed to this release.
People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully complete.


compared to `1.10.0`.

* Name (commits)
* alice (1) +
* Matt Borland (2) +
* Evgeni Burovski (2)
* CJ Carey (1)
* Ralf Gommers (9)
* Brett Graham (1) +
* Matt Haberland (5)
* Alex Herbert (1) +
* Ganesh Kathiresan (2) +
* Rishi Kulkarni (1) +
* Loïc Estève (1)
* Michał Górny (1) +
* Jarrod Millman (1)
* Andrew Nelson (4)
* Tyler Reddy (50)
* Pamphile Roy (2)
* Eli Schwartz (2)
* Tomer Sery (1) +
* Kai Striega (1)
* Jacopo Tissino (1) +
* windows-server-2003 (1)

A total of 21 people contributed to this release.
People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully complete.


many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better
documentation. There have been a number of deprecations and API changes
in this release, which are documented below. All users are encouraged to
upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and
optimizations. Before upgrading, we recommend that users check that
their own code does not use deprecated SciPy functionality (to do so,
run your code with ``python -Wd`` and check for ``DeprecationWarning`` s).
Our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the
1.10.x branch, and on adding new features on the main branch.

This release requires Python `3.8+` and NumPy `1.19.5` or greater.

For running on PyPy, PyPy3 `6.0+` is required.

Highlights of this release

- A new dedicated datasets submodule (`scipy.datasets`) has been added, and is
now preferred over usage of `scipy.misc` for dataset retrieval.
- A new `scipy.interpolate.make_smoothing_spline` function was added. This
function constructs a smoothing cubic spline from noisy data, using the
generalized cross-validation (GCV) criterion to find the tradeoff between
smoothness and proximity to data points.
- `scipy.stats` has three new distributions, two new hypothesis tests, three
new sample statistics, a class for greater control over calculations
involving covariance matrices, and many other enhancements.

New features

`scipy.datasets` introduction
- A new dedicated ``datasets`` submodule has been added. The submodules
is meant for datasets that are relevant to other SciPy submodules ands
content (tutorials, examples, tests), as well as contain a curated
set of datasets that are of wider interest. As of this release, all
the datasets from `scipy.misc` have been added to `scipy.datasets`
(and deprecated in `scipy.misc`).
- The submodule is based on [Pooch](
(a new optional dependency for SciPy), a Python package to simplify fetching
data files. This move will, in a subsequent release, facilitate SciPy
to trim down the sdist/wheel sizes, by decoupling the data files and
moving them out of the SciPy repository, hosting them externally and
downloading them when requested. After downloading the datasets once,
the files are cached to avoid network dependence and repeated usage.
- Added datasets from ``scipy.misc``: `scipy.datasets.face`,
`scipy.datasets.ascent`, `scipy.datasets.electrocardiogram`
- Added download and caching functionality:

- `scipy.datasets.download_all`: a function to download all the `scipy.datasets`
 associated files at once.
- `scipy.datasets.clear_cache`: a simple utility function to clear cached dataset
 files from the file system.
- ``scipy/datasets/`` can be run as a standalone script for
 packaging purposes to avoid any external dependency at build or test time.
 This can be used by SciPy packagers (e.g., for Linux distros) which may
 have to adhere to rules that forbid downloading sources from external
 repositories at package build time.

`scipy.integrate` improvements
- Added `scipy.integrate.qmc_quad`, which performs quadrature using Quasi-Monte
Carlo points.
- Added parameter ``complex_func`` to `scipy.integrate.quad`, which can be set
``True`` to integrate a complex integrand.

`scipy.interpolate` improvements
- `scipy.interpolate.interpn` now supports tensor-product interpolation methods
(``slinear``, ``cubic``, ``quintic`` and ``pchip``)
- Tensor-product interpolation methods (``slinear``, ``cubic``, ``quintic`` and
``pchip``) in `scipy.interpolate.interpn` and
`scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator` now allow values with trailing
- `scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator` has a new fast path for
``method="linear"`` with 2D data, and ``RegularGridInterpolator`` is now
easier to subclass
- `scipy.interpolate.interp1d` now can take a single value for non-spline
- A new ``extrapolate`` argument is available to `scipy.interpolate.BSpline.design_matrix`,
allowing extrapolation based on the first and last intervals.
- A new function `scipy.interpolate.make_smoothing_spline` has been added. It is an
implementation of the generalized cross-validation spline smoothing
algorithm. The ``lam=None`` (default) mode of this function is a clean-room
reimplementation of the classic ``gcvspl.f`` Fortran algorithm for
constructing GCV splines.
- A new ``method="pchip"`` mode was aded to
`scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator`. This mode constructs an
interpolator using tensor products of C1-continuous monotone splines
(essentially, a `scipy.interpolate.PchipInterpolator` instance per

`scipy.sparse.linalg` improvements
- The spectral 2-norm is now available in `scipy.sparse.linalg.norm`.
- The performance of `scipy.sparse.linalg.norm` for the default case (Frobenius
norm) has been improved.
- LAPACK wrappers were added for ``trexc`` and ``trsen``.
- The `scipy.sparse.linalg.lobpcg` algorithm was rewritten, yielding
the following improvements:

- a simple tunable restart potentially increases the attainable
 accuracy for edge cases,
- internal postprocessing runs one final exact Rayleigh-Ritz method
 giving more accurate and orthonormal eigenvectors,
- output the computed iterate with the smallest max norm of the residual
 and drop the history of subsequent iterations,
- remove the check for ``LinearOperator`` format input and thus allow
 a simple function handle of a callable object as an input,
- better handling of common user errors with input data, rather
 than letting the algorithm fail.

`scipy.linalg` improvements
- `scipy.linalg.lu_factor` now accepts rectangular arrays instead of being restricted
to square arrays.

`scipy.ndimage` improvements
- The new `scipy.ndimage.value_indices` function provides a time-efficient method to
search for the locations of individual values with an array of image data.
- A new ``radius`` argument is supported by `scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d` and
`scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter` for adjusting the kernel size of the filter.

`scipy.optimize` improvements
- `scipy.optimize.brute` now coerces non-iterable/single-value ``args`` into a
- `scipy.optimize.least_squares` and `scipy.optimize.curve_fit` now accept
`scipy.optimize.Bounds` for bounds constraints.
- Added a tutorial for `scipy.optimize.milp`.
- Improved the pretty-printing of `scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult` objects.
- Additional options (``parallel``, ``threads``, ``mip_rel_gap``) can now
be passed to `scipy.optimize.linprog` with ``method='highs'``.

`scipy.signal` improvements
- The new window function `` was added to compute a
Lanczos window, also known as a sinc window.

`scipy.sparse.csgraph` improvements
- the performance of `scipy.sparse.csgraph.dijkstra` has been improved, and
star graphs in particular see a marked performance improvement

`scipy.special` improvements
- The new function `scipy.special.powm1`, a ufunc with signature
``powm1(x, y)``, computes ``x**y - 1``. The function avoids the loss of
precision that can result when ``y`` is close to 0 or when ``x`` is close to
- `scipy.special.erfinv` is now more accurate as it leverages the Boost equivalent under
the hood.

`scipy.stats` improvements
- Added `scipy.stats.goodness_of_fit`, a generalized goodness-of-fit test for
use with any univariate distribution, any combination of known and unknown
parameters, and several choices of test statistic (Kolmogorov-Smirnov,
Cramer-von Mises, and Anderson-Darling).
- Improved `scipy.stats.bootstrap`: Default method ``'BCa'`` now supports
multi-sample statistics. Also, the bootstrap distribution is returned in the
result object, and the result object can be passed into the function as
parameter ``bootstrap_result`` to add additional resamples or change the
confidence interval level and type.
- Added maximum spacing estimation to ``.
- Added the Poisson means test ("E-test") as `scipy.stats.poisson_means_test`.
- Added new sample statistics.

- Added `scipy.stats.contingency.odds_ratio` to compute both the conditional
 and unconditional odds ratios and corresponding confidence intervals for
 2x2 contingency tables.
- Added `scipy.stats.directional_stats` to compute sample statistics of
 n-dimensional directional data.
- Added `scipy.stats.expectile`, which generalizes the expected value in the
 same way as quantiles are a generalization of the median.

- Added new statistical distributions.

- Added `scipy.stats.uniform_direction`, a multivariate distribution to
 sample uniformly from the surface of a hypersphere.
- Added `scipy.stats.random_table`, a multivariate distribution to sample
 uniformly from m x n contingency tables with provided marginals.
- Added `scipy.stats.truncpareto`, the truncated Pareto distribution.

- Improved the ``fit`` method of several distributions.

- `scipy.stats.skewnorm` and `scipy.stats.weibull_min` now use an analytical
 solution when ``method='mm'``, which also serves a starting guess to
 improve the performance of ``method='mle'``.
- `scipy.stats.gumbel_r` and `scipy.stats.gumbel_l`: analytical maximum
 likelihood estimates have been extended to the cases in which location or
 scale are fixed by the user.
- Analytical maximum likelihood estimates have been added for

- Improved random variate sampling of several distributions.

- Drawing multiple samples from `scipy.stats.matrix_normal`,
 `scipy.stats.ortho_group`, `scipy.stats.special_ortho_group`, and
 `scipy.stats.unitary_group` is faster.
- The ``rvs`` method of `scipy.stats.vonmises` now wraps to the interval
 ``[-np.pi, np.pi]``.
- Improved the reliability of `scipy.stats.loggamma` ``rvs`` method for small
 values of the shape parameter.

- Improved the speed and/or accuracy of functions of several statistical

- Added `scipy.stats.Covariance` for better speed, accuracy, and user control
 in multivariate normal calculations.
- `scipy.stats.skewnorm` methods ``cdf``, ``sf``, ``ppf``, and ``isf``
 methods now use the implementations from Boost, improving speed while
 maintaining accuracy. The calculation of higher-order moments is also
 faster and more accurate.
- `scipy.stats.invgauss` methods ``ppf`` and ``isf`` methods now use the
 implementations from Boost, improving speed and accuracy.
- `scipy.stats.invweibull` methods ``sf`` and ``isf`` are more accurate for
 small probability masses.
- `scipy.stats.nct` and `scipy.stats.ncx2` now rely on the implementations
 from Boost, improving speed and accuracy.
- Implemented the ``logpdf`` method of `scipy.stats.vonmises` for reliability
 in extreme tails.
- Implemented the ``isf`` method of `scipy.stats.levy` for speed and
- Improved the robustness of `scipy.stats.studentized_range` for large ``df``
 by adding an infinite degree-of-freedom approximation.
- Added a parameter ``lower_limit`` to `scipy.stats.multivariate_normal`,
 allowing the user to change the integration limit from -inf to a desired
- Improved the robustness of ``entropy`` of `scipy.stats.vonmises` for large
 concentration values.

- Enhanced `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`.

- Added `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde.marginal`, which returns the desired
 marginal distribution of the original kernel density estimate distribution.
- The ``cdf`` method of `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde` now accepts a
 ``lower_limit`` parameter for integrating the PDF over a rectangular region.
- Moved calculations for `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde.logpdf` to Cython,
 improving speed.
- The global interpreter lock is released by the ``pdf`` method of
 `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde` for improved multithreading performance.
- Replaced explicit matrix inversion with Cholesky decomposition for speed
 and accuracy.

- Enhanced the result objects returned by many `scipy.stats` functions

- Added a ``confidence_interval`` method to the result object returned by
 `scipy.stats.ttest_1samp` and `scipy.stats.ttest_rel`.
- The `scipy.stats` functions ``combine_pvalues``, ``fisher_exact``,
 ``chi2_contingency``, ``median_test`` and ``mood`` now return
 bunch objects rather than plain tuples, allowing attributes to be
 accessed by name.
- Attributes of the result objects returned by ``multiscale_graphcorr``,
 ``anderson_ksamp``, ``binomtest``, ``crosstab``, ``pointbiserialr``,
 ``spearmanr``, ``kendalltau``, and ``weightedtau`` have been renamed to
 ``statistic`` and ``pvalue`` for consistency throughout `scipy.stats`.
 Old attribute names are still allowed for backward compatibility.
- `scipy.stats.anderson` now returns the parameters of the fitted
 distribution in a `scipy.stats._result_classes.FitResult` object.
- The ``plot`` method of `scipy.stats._result_classes.FitResult` now accepts
 a ``plot_type`` parameter; the options are ``'hist'`` (histogram, default),
 ``'qq'`` (Q-Q plot), ``'pp'`` (P-P plot), and ``'cdf'`` (empirical CDF
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests (e.g. `scipy.stats.kstest`) now return the
 location (argmax) at which the statistic is calculated and the variant
 of the statistic used.

- Improved the performance of several `scipy.stats` functions.

- Improved the performance of `scipy.stats.cramervonmises_2samp` and
 `scipy.stats.ks_2samp` with ``method='exact'``.
- Improved the performance of `scipy.stats.siegelslopes`.
- Improved the performance of `scipy.stats.mstats.hdquantile_sd`.
- Improved the performance of `scipy.stats.binned_statistic_dd` for several
 NumPy statistics, and binned statistics methods now support complex data.

- Added the ``scramble`` optional argument to `scipy.stats.qmc.LatinHypercube`.
It replaces ``centered``, which is now deprecated.
- Added a parameter ``optimization`` to all `scipy.stats.qmc.QMCEngine`
subclasses to improve characteristics of the quasi-random variates.
- Added tie correction to `scipy.stats.mood`.
- Added tutorials for resampling methods in `scipy.stats`.
- `scipy.stats.bootstrap`, `scipy.stats.permutation_test`, and
`scipy.stats.monte_carlo_test` now automatically detect whether the provided
``statistic`` is vectorized, so passing the ``vectorized`` argument
explicitly is no longer required to take advantage of vectorized statistics.
- Improved the speed of `scipy.stats.permutation_test` for permutation types
``'samples'`` and ``'pairings'``.
- Added ``axis``, ``nan_policy``, and masked array support to
- Added the ``nan_policy`` optional argument to `scipy.stats.rankdata`.

Deprecated features
- `scipy.misc` module and all the methods in ``misc`` are deprecated in v1.10
and will be completely removed in SciPy v2.0.0. Users are suggested to
utilize the `scipy.datasets` module instead for the dataset methods.
- `scipy.stats.qmc.LatinHypercube` parameter ``centered`` has been deprecated.
It is replaced by the ``scramble`` argument for more consistency with other
QMC engines.
- `scipy.interpolate.interp2d` class has been deprecated.  The docstring of the
deprecated routine lists recommended replacements.

Expired Deprecations
- There is an ongoing effort to follow through on long-standing deprecations.
- The following previously deprecated features are affected:

- Removed ``cond`` & ``rcond`` kwargs in ``linalg.pinv``
- Removed wrappers ``scipy.linalg.blas.{clapack, flapack}``
- Removed ``scipy.stats.NumericalInverseHermite`` and removed ``tol`` & ``max_intervals`` kwargs from ``scipy.stats.sampling.NumericalInverseHermite``
- Removed ``local_search_options`` kwarg frrom ``scipy.optimize.dual_annealing``.

Other changes
- `scipy.stats.bootstrap`, `scipy.stats.permutation_test`, and
`scipy.stats.monte_carlo_test` now automatically detect whether the provided
``statistic`` is vectorized by looking for an ``axis`` parameter in the
signature of ``statistic``. If an ``axis`` parameter is present in
``statistic`` but should not be relied on for vectorized calls, users must
pass option ``vectorized==False`` explicitly.
- `scipy.stats.multivariate_normal` will now raise a ``ValueError`` when the
covariance matrix is not positive semidefinite, regardless of which method
is called.


* Name (commits)
* h-vetinari (10)
* Jelle Aalbers (1)
* Alan-Hung (1) +
* Tania Allard (7)
* Oren Amsalem (1) +
* Sven Baars (10)
* Balthasar (1) +
* Ross Barnowski (1)
* Christoph Baumgarten (2)
* Peter Bell (2)
* Sebastian Berg (1)
* Aaron Berk (1) +
* boatwrong (1) +
* Jake Bowhay (50)
* Matthew Brett (4)
* Evgeni Burovski (93)
* Matthias Bussonnier (6)
* Dominic C (2)
* Mingbo Cai (1) +
* James Campbell (2) +
* CJ Carey (4)
* cesaregarza (1) +
* charlie0389 (1) +
* Hood Chatham (5)
* Andrew Chin (1) +
* Daniel Ching (1) +
* Leo Chow (1) +
* chris (3) +
* John Clow (1) +
* cm7S (1) +
* cmgodwin (1) +
* Christopher Cowden (2) +
* Henry Cuzco (2) +
* Anirudh Dagar (10)
* Hans Dembinski (2) +
* Jaiden di Lanzo (24) +
* Felipe Dias (1) +
* Dieter Werthmüller (1)
* Giuseppe Dilillo (1) +
* dpoerio (1) +
* drpeteb (1) +
* Christopher Dupuis (1) +
* Jordan Edmunds (1) +
* Pieter Eendebak (1) +
* Jérome Eertmans (1) +
* Fabian Egli (2) +
* Sebastian Ehlert (2) +
* Kian Eliasi (1) +
* Tomohiro Endo (1) +
* Stefan Endres (1)
* Zeb Engberg (4) +
* Jonas Eschle (1) +
* Thomas J. Fan (9)
* fiveseven (1) +
* Neil Flood (1) +
* Franz Forstmayr (1)
* Sara Fridovich-Keil (1)
* David Gilbertson (1) +
* Ralf Gommers (251)
* Marco Gorelli (2) +
* Matt Haberland (381)
* Andrew Hawryluk (2) +
* Christoph Hohnerlein (2) +
* Loïc Houpert (2) +
* Shamus Husheer (1) +
* ideasrule (1) +
* imoiwm (1) +
* Lakshaya Inani (1) +
* Joseph T. Iosue (1)
* iwbc-mzk (1) +
* Nathan Jacobi (3) +
* Julien Jerphanion (5)
* He Jia (1)
* jmkuebler (1) +
* Johannes Müller (1) +
* Vedant Jolly (1) +
* Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez (2)
* Justin (1) +
* jvavrek (1) +
* jyuv (2)
* Kai Mühlbauer (1) +
* Nikita Karetnikov (3) +
* Reinert Huseby Karlsen (1) +
* kaspar (2) +
* Toshiki Kataoka (1)
* Robert Kern (3)
* Joshua Klein (1) +
* Andrew Knyazev (7)
* Jozsef Kutas (16) +
* Eric Larson (4)
* Lechnio (1) +
* Antony Lee (2)
* Aditya Limaye (1) +
* Xingyu Liu (2)
* Christian Lorentzen (4)
* Loïc Estève (2)
* Thibaut Lunet (2) +
* Peter Lysakovski (1)
* marianasalamoni (2) +
* mariprudencio (1) +
* Paige Martin (1) +
* Arno Marty (1) +
* matthewborish (3) +
* Damon McDougall (1)
* Nicholas McKibben (22)
* McLP (1) +
* mdmahendri (1) +
* Melissa Weber Mendonça (9)
* Jarrod Millman (1)
* Naoto Mizuno (2)
* Shashaank N (1)
* Pablo S Naharro (1) +
* nboudrie (1) +
* Andrew Nelson (52)
* Nico Schlömer (1)
* NiMlr (1) +
* o-alexandre-felipe (1) +
* Maureen Ononiwu (1) +
* Dimitri Papadopoulos (2) +
* partev (1) +
* Tirth Patel (10)
* Paulius Šarka (1) +
* Josef Perktold (1)
* Giacomo Petrillo (3) +
* Matti Picus (1)
* Rafael Pinto (1) +
* PKNaveen (1) +
* Ilhan Polat (6)
* Akshita Prasanth (2) +
* Sean Quinn (1)
* Tyler Reddy (117)
* Martin Reinecke (1)
* Ned Richards (1)
* Marie Roald (1) +
* Sam Rosen (4) +
* Pamphile Roy (103)
* sabonerune (2) +
* Atsushi Sakai (94)
* Daniel Schmitz (27)
* Anna Scholtz (1) +
* Eli Schwartz (11)
* serge-sans-paille (2)
* ehsan shirvanian (2) +
* siddhantwahal (2)
* Mathieu Dutour Sikiric (1) +
* Sourav Singh (1)
* Alexander Soare (1) +
* Bjørge Solli (2) +
* Scott Staniewicz (1)
* Albert Steppi (3)
* Thomas Stoeger (1) +
* Kai Striega (4)
* Tartopohm (1) +
* Mamoru TASAKA (2) +
* Ewout ter Hoeven (5)
* TianyiQ (1) +
* Tiger (1) +
* Will Tirone (1)
* Edgar Andrés Margffoy Tuay (1) +
* Dmitry Ulyumdzhiev (1) +
* Hari Vamsi (1) +
* VitalyChait (1) +
* Rik Voorhaar (1) +
* Samuel Wallan (4)
* Stefan van der Walt (2)
* Warren Weckesser (145)
* wei2222 (1) +
* windows-server-2003 (3) +
* Marek Wojciechowski (2) +
* Niels Wouda (1) +
* WRKampi (1) +
* Yeonjoo Yoo (1) +
* Rory Yorke (1)
* Xiao Yuan (2) +
* Meekail Zain (2) +
* Fabio Zanini (1) +
* Steffen Zeile (1) +
* Egor Zemlyanoy (19)
* Gavin Zhang (3) +

A total of 180 people contributed to this release.
People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully complete.

Update numpy from 1.23.4 to 1.25.2.



discovered after the 1.25.1 release. This is the last planned release in
the 1.25.x series, the next release will be 1.26.0, which will use the
meson build system and support Python 3.12. The Python versions
supported by this release are 3.9-3.11.


A total of 13 people contributed to this release. People with a \"+\" by
their names contributed a patch for the first time.

-   Aaron Meurer
-   Andrew Nelson
-   Charles Harris
-   Kevin Sheppard
-   Matti Picus
-   Nathan Goldbaum
-   Peter Hawkins
-   Ralf Gommers
-   Randy Eckenrode +
-   Sam James +
-   Sebastian Berg
-   Tyler Reddy
-   dependabot\[bot\]

Pull requests merged

A total of 19 pull requests were merged for this release.

-   [24148]( MAINT: prepare 1.25.x for further development
-   [24174]( ENH: Improve clang-cl compliance
-   [24179]( MAINT: Upgrade various build dependencies.
-   [24182]( BLD: use `-ftrapping-math` with Clang on macOS
-   [24183]( BUG: properly handle negative indexes in ufunc_at fast path
-   [24184]( BUG: PyObject_IsTrue and PyObject_Not error handling in setflags
-   [24185]( BUG: histogram small range robust
-   [24186]( MAINT: Update files from main branch
-   [24234]( MAINT: exclude min, max and round from `np.__all__`
-   [24241]( MAINT: Dependabot updates
-   [24242]( BUG: Fix the signature for np.array_api.take
-   [24243]( BLD: update OpenBLAS to an intermeidate commit
-   [24244]( BUG: Fix reference count leak in str(scalar).
-   [24245]( BUG: fix invalid function pointer conversion error
-   [24255]( BUG: Factor out slow `getenv` call used for memory policy warning
-   [24292]( CI: correct URL in
-   [24293]( BUG: Fix C types in scalartypes
-   [24294]( BUG: do not modify the input to ufunc_at
-   [24295]( BUG: Further fixes to indexing loop and added tests



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 e113865b90f97079d344100c41226fbe  numpy-1.25.2-cp311-cp311-win32.whl
 834a147aa1adaec97655018b882232bd  numpy-1.25.2-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl
 fb55f93a8033bde854c8a2b994045686  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 d96e754217d29bf045e082b695667e62  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
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 e0d608c9e09cd8feba48567586cfefc0  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 fe1fc32c8bb005ca04b8f10ebdcff6dd  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl
 41df58a9935c8ed869c92307c95f02eb  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-win32.whl
 a4371272c64493beb8b04ac46c4c1521  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
 bbe051cbd5f8661dd054277f0b0f0c3d  numpy-1.25.2-pp39-pypy39_pp73-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 3f68e6b4af6922989dc0133e37db34ee  numpy-1.25.2-pp39-pypy39_pp73-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 fc89421b79e8800240999d3a1d06a4d2  numpy-1.25.2-pp39-pypy39_pp73-win_amd64.whl
 cee1996a80032d47bdf1d9d17249c34e  numpy-1.25.2.tar.gz


 db3ccc4e37a6873045580d413fe79b68e47a681af8db2e046f1dacfa11f86eb3  numpy-1.25.2-cp310-cp310-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 90319e4f002795ccfc9050110bbbaa16c944b1c37c0baeea43c5fb881693ae1f  numpy-1.25.2-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
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 7dc869c0c75988e1c693d0e2d5b26034644399dd929bc049db55395b1379e044  numpy-1.25.2-cp310-cp310-win32.whl
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 0d60fbae8e0019865fc4784745814cff1c421df5afee233db6d88ab4f14655a2  numpy-1.25.2-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
 60e7f0f7f6d0eee8364b9a6304c2845b9c491ac706048c7e8cf47b83123b8dbf  numpy-1.25.2-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 bb33d5a1cf360304754913a350edda36d5b8c5331a8237268c48f91253c3a364  numpy-1.25.2-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl
 5883c06bb92f2e6c8181df7b39971a5fb436288db58b5a1c3967702d4278691d  numpy-1.25.2-cp311-cp311-win32.whl
 5c97325a0ba6f9d041feb9390924614b60b99209a71a69c876f71052521d42a4  numpy-1.25.2-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl
 b79e513d7aac42ae918db3ad1341a015488530d0bb2a6abcbdd10a3a829ccfd3  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 eb942bfb6f84df5ce05dbf4b46673ffed0d3da59f13635ea9b926af3deb76926  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
 3e0746410e73384e70d286f93abf2520035250aad8c5714240b0492a7302fdca  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
 d7806500e4f5bdd04095e849265e55de20d8cc4b661b038957354327f6d9b295  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 8b77775f4b7df768967a7c8b3567e309f617dd5e99aeb886fa14dc1a0791141f  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl
 2792d23d62ec51e50ce4d4b7d73de8f67a2fd3ea710dcbc8563a51a03fb07b01  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-win32.whl
 76b4115d42a7dfc5d485d358728cdd8719be33cc5ec6ec08632a5d6fca2ed380  numpy-1.25.2-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
 1a1329e26f46230bf77b02cc19e900db9b52f398d6722ca853349a782d4cff55  numpy-1.25.2-pp39-pypy39_pp73-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 4c3abc71e8b6edba80a01a52e66d83c5d14433cbcd26a40c329ec7ed09f37901  numpy-1.25.2-pp39-pypy39_pp73-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 1b9735c27cea5d995496f46a8b1cd7b408b3f34b6d50459d9ac8fe3a20cc17bf  numpy-1.25.2-pp39-pypy39_pp73-win_amd64.whl
 fd608e19c8d7c55021dffd43bfe5492fab8cc105cc8986f813f8c3c048b38760  numpy-1.25.2.tar.gz


discovered after the 1.25.0 release. The Python versions supported by
this release are 3.9-3.11.


A total of 10 people contributed to this release. People with a \"+\" by
their names contributed a patch for the first time.

-   Andrew Nelson
-   Charles Harris
-   Developer-Ecosystem-Engineering
-   Hood Chatham
-   Nathan Goldbaum
-   Rohit Goswami
-   Sebastian Berg
-   Tim Paine +
-   dependabot\[bot\]
-   matoro +

Pull requests merged

A total of 14 pull requests were merged for this release.

-   [23968]( MAINT: prepare 1.25.x for further development
-   [24036]( BLD: Port long double identification to C for meson
-   [24037]( BUG: Fix reduction `return NULL` to be `goto fail`
-   [24038]( BUG: Avoid undefined behavior in array.astype()
-   [24039]( BUG: Ensure `__array_ufunc__` works without any kwargs passed
-   [24117]( MAINT: Pin urllib3 to avoid anaconda-client bug.
-   [24118]( TST: Pin pydantic\<2 in Pyodide workflow
-   [24119]( MAINT: Bump pypa/cibuildwheel from 2.13.0 to 2.13.1
-   [24120]( MAINT: Bump actions/checkout from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3
-   [24122]( BUG: Multiply or Divides using SIMD without a full vector can\...
-   [24127]( MAINT: testing for IS_MUSL closes #24074
-   [24128]( BUG: Only replace dtype temporarily if dimensions changed
-   [24129]( MAINT: Bump actions/setup-node from 3.6.0 to 3.7.0
-   [24134]( BUG: Fix private procedures in f2py modules



 d09d98643db31e892fad11b8c2b7af22  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 d5b8d3b0424e2af41018f35a087c4500  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
 1007893b1a8bfd97d445a63d29d33642  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
 6a62d7a6cee310b41dc872aa7f3d7e8b  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 e81f6264aecfa2269c5d29d10c362cbc  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl
 ab8ecd125ca86eac0b3ada67ab66dad6  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-win32.whl
 5466bebeaafcc3d6e1b98858d77ff945  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl
 f31b059256ae09b7b83df63f52d8371e  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 099f74d654888869704469c321af845d  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
 20d04dccd2bfca5cfd88780d1dc9a3f8  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
 61dfd7c00638e83a7af59b86615ee9d2  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 4eb459c3d9479c4da2fdf20e4c4085d0  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl
 5e84e797866c68ba65fa89a4bf4ba8ce  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-win32.whl
 87bb1633b2e8029dbfa1e59f7ab22625  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl
 3fcf2eb5970d848a26abdff1b10228e7  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 d71e1cbe18fe05944219e5a5be1796bf  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
 5b457e10834c991bca84aae7eaa49f34  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
 5cbb4c2f2892fafdf6f34fcb37c9e743  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 7d9d1ae23cf5420652088bfe8e048d89  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl
 7e5bed491b85f0d7c718d6809f9b3ed2  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-win32.whl
 838e97b751bebadf47e2196b2c88ffa2  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
 9ba95d8d6004d9659d7728fe93f67be9  numpy-1.25.1-pp39-pypy39_pp73-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 fbccb20254a2dc85bdec549a03b8eb56  numpy-1.25.1-pp39-pypy39_pp73-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 95e36689e6dd078caf11e7e2a2d5f5f1  numpy-1.25.1-pp39-pypy39_pp73-win_amd64.whl
 768d0ebf15e2242f4c7ca7565bb5dd3e  numpy-1.25.1.tar.gz


 77d339465dff3eb33c701430bcb9c325b60354698340229e1dff97745e6b3efa  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 d736b75c3f2cb96843a5c7f8d8ccc414768d34b0a75f466c05f3a739b406f10b  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
 4a90725800caeaa160732d6b31f3f843ebd45d6b5f3eec9e8cc287e30f2805bf  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
 6c6c9261d21e617c6dc5eacba35cb68ec36bb72adcff0dee63f8fbc899362588  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 0def91f8af6ec4bb94c370e38c575855bf1d0be8a8fbfba42ef9c073faf2cf19  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl
 fd67b306320dcadea700a8f79b9e671e607f8696e98ec255915c0c6d6b818503  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-win32.whl
 c1516db588987450b85595586605742879e50dcce923e8973f79529651545b57  numpy-1.25.1-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl
 6b82655dd8efeea69dbf85d00fca40013d7f503212bc5259056244961268b66e  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 e8f6049c4878cb16960fbbfb22105e49d13d752d4d8371b55110941fb3b17800  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
 41a56b70e8139884eccb2f733c2f7378af06c82304959e174f8e7370af112e09  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
 d5154b1a25ec796b1aee12ac1b22f414f94752c5f94832f14d8d6c9ac40bcca6  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 38eb6548bb91c421261b4805dc44def9ca1a6eef6444ce35ad1669c0f1a3fc5d  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl
 791f409064d0a69dd20579345d852c59822c6aa087f23b07b1b4e28ff5880fcb  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-win32.whl
 c40571fe966393b212689aa17e32ed905924120737194b5d5c1b20b9ed0fb171  numpy-1.25.1-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl
 3d7abcdd85aea3e6cdddb59af2350c7ab1ed764397f8eec97a038ad244d2d105  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 1a180429394f81c7933634ae49b37b472d343cccb5bb0c4a575ac8bbc433722f  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl
 d412c1697c3853c6fc3cb9751b4915859c7afe6a277c2bf00acf287d56c4e625  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl
 20e1266411120a4f16fad8efa8e0454d21d00b8c7cee5b5ccad7565d95eb42dd  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 f76aebc3358ade9eacf9bc2bb8ae589863a4f911611694103af05346637df1b7  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl
 247d3ffdd7775bdf191f848be8d49100495114c82c2bd134e8d5d075fb386a1c  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-win32.whl
 1d5d3c68e443c90b38fdf8ef40e60e2538a27548b39b12b73132456847f4b631  numpy-1.25.1-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
 35a9527c977b924042170a0887de727cd84ff179e478481404c5dc66b4170009  numpy-1.25.1-pp39-pypy39_pp73-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
 0d3fe3dd0506a28493d82dc3cf254be8cd0d26f4008a417385cbf1ae95b54004  numpy-1.25.1-pp39-pypy39_pp73-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
 012097b5b0d00a11070e8f2e261128c44157a8689f7dedcf35576e525893f4fe  numpy-1.25.1-pp39-pypy39_pp73-win_amd64.whl
 9a3a9f3a61480cc086117b426a8bd86869c213fc4072e606f01c4e4b66eb92bf  numpy-1.25.1.tar.gz


The NumPy 1.25.0 release continues the ongoing work to improve the
handling and promotion of dtypes, increase the execution speed, and
clarify the documentation. There has also been work to prepare for the
future NumPy 2.0.0 release, resulting in a large number of new and
expired deprecation. Highlights are:

-   Support for MUSL, there are now MUSL wheels.
-   Support the Fujitsu C/C++ compiler.
-   Object arrays are now supported in einsum
-   Support for inplace matrix multiplication (`=`).

We will be releasing a NumPy 1.26 when Python 3.12 comes out. That is
needed because distutils has been dropped by Python 3.12 and we will be
switching to using meson for future builds. The next mainline release
will be NumPy 2.0.0. We plan that the 2.0 series will still support
downstream projects built against earlier versions of NumPy.

The Python versions supported in this release are 3.9-3.11.


-   `np.core.MachAr` is deprecated. It is private API. In names defined
 in `np.core` should generally be considered private.


-   `np.finfo(None)` is deprecated.


-   `np.round_` is deprecated. Use `np.round` instead.


-   `np.product` is deprecated. Use `` instead.


-   `np.cumproduct` is deprecated. Use `np.cumprod` instead.


-   `np.sometrue` is deprecated. Use `np.any` instead.


-   `np.alltrue` is deprecated. Use `np.all` instead.


-   Only ndim-0 arrays are treated as scalars. NumPy used to treat all
 arrays of size 1 (e.g., `np.array([3.14])`) as scalars. In the
 future, this will be limited to arrays of ndim 0 (e.g.,
 `np.array(3.14)`). The following expressions will report a
 deprecation warning:

 a = np.array([3.14])
 float(a)   better: a[0] to get the numpy.float or a.item()

 b = np.array([[3.14]])
 c = numpy.random.rand(10)
 c[0] = b   better: c[0] = b[0, 0]


-   `numpy.find_common_type` is now deprecated and its use
 should be replaced with either `numpy.result_type` or
 `numpy.promote_types`. Most users leave the second
 `scalar_types` argument to `find_common_type` as `[]` in which case
 `np.result_type` and `np.promote_types` are both faster and more
 robust. When not using `scalar_types` the main difference is that
 the replacement intentionally converts non-native byte-order to
 native byte order. Further, `find_common_type` returns `object`
 dtype rather than failing promotion. This leads to differences when
 the inputs are not all numeric. Importantly, this also happens for
 e.g. timedelta/datetime for which NumPy promotion rules are
 currently sometimes surprising.

 When the `scalar_types` argument is not `[]` things are more
 complicated. In most cases, using `np.result_type` and passing the
 Python values `0`, `0.0`, or `0j` has the same result as using
 `int`, `float`, or `complex` in `scalar_types`.

 When `scalar_types` is constructed, `np.result_type` is the correct
 replacement and it may be passed scalar values like
 `np.float32(0.0)`. Passing values other than 0, may lead to
 value-inspecting behavior (which `np.find_common_type` never used
 and NEP 50 may change in the future). The main possible change in
 behavior in this case, is when the array types are signed integers
 and scalar types are unsigned.

 If you are unsure about how to replace a use of `scalar_types` or
 when non-numeric dtypes are likely, please do not hesitate to open a
 NumPy issue to ask for help.


Expired deprecations

-   `np.core.machar` and `np.finfo.machar` have been removed.


-   `+arr` will now raise an error when the dtype is not numeric (and
 positive is undefined).


-   A sequence must now be passed into the stacking family of functions
 (`stack`, `vstack`, `hstack`, `dstack` and `column_stack`).


-   `np.clip` now defaults to same-kind casting. Falling back to unsafe
 casting was deprecated in NumPy 1.17.


-   `np.clip` will now propagate `np.nan` values passed as `min` or
 `max`. Previously, a scalar NaN was usually ignored. This was
 deprecated in NumPy 1.17.


-   The `np.dual` submodule has been removed.


-   NumPy now always ignores sequence behavior for an array-like
 (defining one of the array protocols). (Deprecation started NumPy


-   The niche `FutureWarning` when casting to a subarray dtype in
 `astype` or the array creation functions such as `asarray` is now
 finalized. The behavior is now always the same as if the subarray
 dtype was wrapped into a single field (which was the workaround,
 previously). (FutureWarning since NumPy 1.20)


-   `==` and `!=` warnings have been finalized. The `==` and `!=`
 operators on arrays now always:

 -   raise errors that occur during comparisons such as when the
     arrays have incompatible shapes
     (`np.array([1, 2]) == np.array([1, 2, 3])`).

 -   return an array of all `True` or all `False` when values are
     fundamentally not comparable (e.g. have different dtypes). An
     example is `np.array(["a"]) == np.array([1])`.

     This mimics the Python behavior of returning `False` and `True`
     when comparing incompatible types like `"a" == 1` and
     `"a" != 1`. For a long time these gave `DeprecationWarning` or


-   Nose support has been removed. NumPy switched to using pytest in
 2018 and nose has been unmaintained for many years. We have kept
 NumPy\'s nose support to avoid breaking downstream projects who
 might have been using it and not yet switched to pytest or some
 other testing framework. With the arrival of Python 3.12, unpatched
 nose will raise an error. It is time to move on.

 *Decorators removed*:

 -   raises
 -   slow
 -   setastest
 -   skipif
 -   knownfailif
 -   deprecated
 -   parametrize
 -   \_needs_refcount

 These are not to be confused with pytest versions with similar
 names, e.g., pytest.mark.slow, pytest.mark.skipif,

 *Functions removed*:

 -   Tester
 -   import_nose
 -   run_module_suite


-   The `numpy.testing.utils` shim has been removed. Importing from the
 `numpy.testing.utils` shim has been deprecated since 2019, the shim
 has now been removed. All imports should be made directly from


-   The environment variable to disable dispatching has been removed.
 Support for the `NUMPY_EXPERIMENTAL_ARRAY_FUNCTION` environment
 variable has been removed. This variable disabled dispatching with


-   Support for `y=` as an alias of `out=` has been removed. The `fix`,
 `isposinf` and `isneginf` functions allowed using `y=` as a
 (deprecated) alias for `out=`. This is no longer supported.


Compatibility notes

-   The `busday_count` method now correctly handles cases where the
 `begindates` is later in time than the `enddates`. Previously, the
 `enddates` was included, even though the documentation states it is
 always excluded.


-   When comparing datetimes and timedelta using `np.equal` or
 `np.not_equal` numpy previously allowed the comparison with
 `casting="unsafe"`. This operation now fails. Forcing the output
 dtype using the `dtype` kwarg can make the operation succeed, but we
 do not recommend it.


-   When loading data from a file handle using `np.load`, if the handle
 is at the end of file, as can happen when reading multiple arrays by
 calling `np.load` repeatedly, numpy previously raised `ValueError`
 if `allow_pickle=False`, and `OSError` if `allow_pickle=True`. Now
 it raises `EOFError` instead, in both cases.


`np.pad` with `mode=wrap` pads with strict multiples of original data

Code based on earlier version of `pad` that uses `mode="wrap"` will
return different results when the padding size is larger than initial

`np.pad` with `mode=wrap` now always fills the space with strict
multiples of original data even if the padding size is larger than the
initial array.


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pyup-bot commented Oct 1, 2023

Closing this in favor of #61

@pyup-bot pyup-bot closed this Oct 1, 2023
@AWehrhahn AWehrhahn deleted the pyup-scheduled-update-2023-09-01 branch October 1, 2023 15:27
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Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

1 participant